Find out the answers to all of your questions right here. If you need to search for a particular question, use the search system.
- How taking drugs can impact you.
- I'm a victim of honour-based violence
- How do I tell my parents I am pregnant?
- I think I might be pregnant, what can I do?
- I’m pregnant, will I have to drop out of Uni?
- I’m considering an abortion how can I get one?
- I’ve been bereaved by suicide
- Could I take action against someone who has posted something upsetting about me online?
- I’m feeling pressured into drinking and/or taking drugs, what can I do?
- I have an eating disorder, is there any help?
- I need a divorce, can I get a family lawyer?
- I'm feeling low
- I'm worried about my friend's drug use, what can I do?
- Will I get into trouble for taking drugs?
- I'm worried about my sexual health, what can I do?
- What is Hate Crime?
- I’m a sex worker, what support is available to me?
- I’m a sex worker, will I get in trouble if the University find out?
- I'm a sex worker, how can I report sexual abuse or exploitation?
- I'm struggling to stay motivated during the lockdown
- I'm feeling low
- I’m a carer, can I get any support?
- I’m struggling to make friends on my course
- I’m not happy in my Halls, can I move out?
- I’m self-harming, who can I turn to for help?
- I feel homesick
- Harassment and bullying
- I’m in an abusive relationship, is there any help?
- I’m worried my friend may be struggling with their mental health, how can I help?
- I’m worried someone I know might be having suicidal thoughts
- I'm worried about my gambling habit, is there any help?
- I'm having suicidal thoughts
- I’ve been sexually assaulted, what help is there?
- I thought I would enjoy uni more
- How do I get home safely?
- Someone I know has died, can I get help?
- How do I report a Hate Crime?
- What help is there for estranged students?
- Where can I pray?
- What if I'm not ready to come out?
- Where can I get contraception?
- Information on forced marriage
- I’m worried about my sexual health, what can I do?
- How do I sign up to Joblink?
- Why am I paying tax?
- I’m a Postgrad Taught student can I find a job alongside my studies?
- I’m a Postgrad Research student can I find a job alongside my studies?
- I need one-off work where can I find it?
- I think I’ve been overcharged tax what should I do?
- What do I need to work in the UK?
- Where can I look for part-time jobs or vacation work?
- I don’t understand my payslip
- I'm an EU student can I work in the UK?
- Do I need a National Insurance number to work?
- Do I get holiday pay at work?
- Can I get maternity, paternity or adoption pay from my job?
- Can I get a job at the University?
- Can I get a job at the Union?
- What’s the maximum hours I should work a part-time job?
- Can I get sick pay from work?
- Am I allowed time off work if I am ill?