FAQs for committees: Where have they gone?

FAQs for Committees: Where have they gone?

If you are a society committee member, you might be wondering where all of the helpful FAQs and documents that previously lived on this page have gone. Don't worry, we haven't deleted them! We've just moved them onto your Committee Dashboard!

The Knowledge Base on the committee dashboard will be where all of your friends society related FAQs will be. To access the knowledge base, log onto engage with your student account, and when you log in you should see this:

Click the link 'access committee portal', when you get into your committee portal, you will see the knowledge base on the left hand side of your screen:

You can then select Knowledge Base, which will look like this:

This will now be where all your society and committee related FAQs will be!

As always, if you have any questions, please contact the Student Activities Team.