LUU Membership Levy Removal 23/24: Personal Accident Insurance

Changes to LUU Membership levy 23/24 academic year

Removal of £5 LUU Membership Levy

The £5 LUU membership levy will be removed from all LUU clubs and societies membership fees for the 23/24 academic year. Therefore members WILL NOT be automatically covered by personal accident insurance in the first instance, members and committees are reminded of the following to opt - in approach into the LUU personal accident insurance:

Opt-In Approach for Insurance:

Clubs and societies involved in activities with physical risk (e.g. sports, hiking trips) can opt-in for personal accident insurance.

Those groups categorised as an LUU high risk group will be required to opt into the personal accident insurance as per the LUU compliance procedures.

Committee leaders are responsibility for ensuring personal accident insurance needs based on club and society activity i.e those groups involved in physical activity and requirements when participating in national competitions i.e BUCS.

LUU can support in setting up personal accident insurance for you members:

Email to opt in and number of members requiring personal accident insurance.

Direct Insurance Billing:

LUU will charge clubs and societies directly for the insurance costs.

Recouping Costs:

Clubs can recover insurance costs by either increasing annual membership fees or offering the insurance product to individual members for purchase. Anticipate the cost per individual to be approximately £3.50, depending on the number of members purchasing.

BUCS Competition Clubs:

Clubs participating in BUCS competitions need to ensure that all their members have appropriate personal accident insurance coverage, refer to BUC's regulation 2.8 and sports specific affiliations

Changes to LUU Engage:

When members purchase club and society memberships for 23/24, a pop-up message will advise individuals to seek clarification from club committee leaders regarding personal accident insurance cover.

Committee Communication:

Committee leaders are responsible for communicating with their members throughout the year to inform them about the availability of personal accident insurance with their membership.

If you have questions or need support related to personal accident insurance for your members, visit the Activities Office on the first floor of the LUU building or email