I'm a victim of honour-based violence

Honour-based violence may be committed under the justification that it is protecting or defending the honour of the family or community. The abuse can take lots of different forms, from verbal threats to false imprisonment and threats to force students to withdraw from university.

No culture, religion or tradition allows this. This is illegal.

If you are in this situation, this can be frightening and you could feel isolated and not know where to turn. However, there is lots of confidential support available to help you in your particular situation.

You don’t have to wait for an emergency to get help.

Karma Nirvana are a Leeds based forced marriage and honour based violence charity on 0800 5999247. They offer emotional and practical help in English, Punjabi, Urdu and Farsi. They’re open 9am-9pm Monday to Friday and 10am-4pm on weekends.

As a University of Leeds student you have free access to the Big White Wall, which can provide you with mental health and wellbeing support. 

LUU Advice also offers free and confidential support. We can help by simply listening, to working with support services and the police if you want this to happen. You remain in control. We respect our students’ wishes and aim to help you in whatever way you need. You don’t have to report anything to the police if you don’t want to.

We can also offer practical help around money, housing and your studies.