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Someone I know has died, can I get help?
Experiencing the death of someone, especially if they were close is obviously very traumatic, and your emotional experiences will be unique to you. How the person died and your relationship to them will all impact on how you are feeling.
You should let your University School know if you have been affected by the death of someone close, as it’s likely to have an impact on your studies. The best way to do this is to submit a mitigating circumstances form; there’s more on this in our related articles below. If you need to take time out from studying to attend a funeral, you should let your School know either through your Student Support Officer, Personal Tutor or your Departmental Office.
It doesn’t matter what the timescale is, the emotional impact of a death can impact you for months and years. So don’t feel that you can only access help and support in just the immediate aftermath. It is about what you feel you need whenever you need it.
The University has a counselling service where you can talk about how you feel in confidence. You can talk to your GP, plus there are organisations who offer help around bereavement such as NHS Choices.
As a student of the University of Leeds you have access to the Big White Wall, an online mental health and wellbeing service.
There is also practical help available from LUU Advice, for example financial support if the person who has died was helping to support you, or help with housing issues, if the person who has died lived in the same house as you.