This article is currently being updated and some advice might be out of date. Contact if you have any questions.

Where can I pray?

There are loads of spots on campus dedicated to prayer or quiet thought and reflection. Take a look at our spaces below and find out where’s best for you.

Christian Chapel in the Emmanuel Centre

The Universities Chaplaincy service has a Christian chapel in the Emmanuel Centre.

Catholic Chaplaincy

The Catholic Chaplaincy, near to campus on St Marks Avenue, holds Mass on most days and there’s plenty of space for reflection and prayer.

School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering – new temporary Islamic prayer space

This prayer facility is located on Level 2 (room 2.56), within the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, and will be open Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 17:30. Please note there are two separate entrances to the prayer space, one for brothers and one for sisters. If you’re unsure or need help, please go to the reception desk in the Electrical Engineering building.

What you can find in this new prayer space: shoe racks and prayer mats, and toilet facilities for ablution: for brothers, the closest facilities are located near the prayer room; for sisters, the closest facilities are on Level 1.

The Green Room

The Green Room is our main Islamic prayer space on campus, open Monday to Friday 11:00 - 19:00 and located on the side of the Conference Auditorium, behind the Edge. It offers separate prayer rooms, ablution and washroom facilities for brothers and sisters, and has disabled access and washroom facilities. Contact to ask for the access code for the Green Room.

Clarendon Road Temporary Prayer Space

During the refurbishment of Cemetery Lodge, there are temporary prayer spaces and washroom facilities for brothers and sisters in cabins just outside St Georges field on Cemetery Road (next to the Medical and Biological Engineering Building), open Monday to Friday 11:00 - 19:00.

For more information about prayer facilities email, contact the Leeds University Union Islamic Society or Sister Jaan Malik, Muslim Student Adviser, on

Jewish Prayer Space

Hillel Student Centre Synagogue has regular Morning Prayer services and offers Orthodox and Egalitarian Friday night services.