Can I get compensation if my landlord hasn't done repairs?

Yes you can but you will need to prove that the landlord has failed to carry out repairs they are responsible for and this has caused you financial loss, significant inconvenience or damage to your property. 

The landlord is responsible for repairs as soon as they are made aware of them (through their own inspection or you telling them). So you should always try and tell them in writing so you have evidence. 

Some examples of what you may be able to claim compensation for include:

  • A rent refund if you can’t access or live in the property e.g. due to renovations or major disrepair or loss of essential services.
  • Some rent back if you can’t use all the rooms e.g. bedroom if significant issues e.g. roof leak or loss of a bathroom due to facilities not working.
  • Additional costs incurred if facilities are not working e.g. laundrette if washing machine doesn’t work for considerable period, additional heatings costs if boiler doesn’t work.

If you think you are entitled to some rent back see the related article below. Make sure you don’t just withhold your rent as your landlord could take legal action against you.