How to - Upload files and compliance documents

As part of the core committee, you are responsible for your society activity, health and safety, and ensuring democracy to enable a positive and sustainable society.

In order to begin any activity, you must ensure that you are compliant with LUU policy. To do this, you are required to complete and return compulsory documentation at the beginning of the academic year.

Please read the articles on compliance documents carefully to ensure that you understand and comply with everything expected of you, and to avoid any consequences of non-compliance.

Please follow the below instructions to upload your compliance documents onto Engage:

Log into Engage and click 'Access Committee Portal'. Under 'Your Groups', click on the name of your society. Under 'Group Modules' in the committee portal, click on 'Files' and the module will load.

Click on 'Create File' to upload a new document. Fill in the file name with your society, the type of document and the year e.g. LUU Tennis Constitution 2023-24.

You can then choose to upload a file (e.g. PDF/Word) or upload it as a Google Document. If you use a Google document, please make sure to check the sharing permissions and give your Development and Engagement Coordinator access.

For compliance documents, you can select the type of document you are uploading from the drop-down under 'Attach to a Compliance File' (e.g. Constitution). If you are uploading another type of file, such as an attendee list for a trip, you can leave this as 'Not attached to a compliance file'.

Finally, you can choose to mark the file public if you want your society members to see the file. Then, click on 'Create File' when you're done to upload it!