I have failed my exam because of a personal problem, what can I do?

If you failed any of your assessments due to health or personal problems, speak to your School because you might be able to get Mitigating Circumstances.  

If your School agrees that your problems have affected your work, then one of the following will probably happen:

  • You re-sit the exam/assessment as a 'first attempt', so you have the chance to get full marks instead of the minimum pass mark.
  • You are allowed an extra attempt at resitting if your problems meant you failed the final attempt.
  • You repeat all or part of the year as an internal student, meaning you’ll still have to go to lectures and pay tuition. 
  • If you let your School know of any problems before your hand in date, the Exam Board might take these into account when they mark your work.

Please read the related articles for loads more information and advice on how to apply for mitigating circumstances and what the process is. 

If you need support with applying for mitigating circumstances, or find it stressful, you can come and chat to LUU Advice, or access the Big White Wall, an online mental health and wellbeing service.