How much Student Finance can I get?

The amount of Student Finance you are entitled to depends on your circumstances. 

If you are a disabled student:

There is extra financial support available but this will depend on your circumstances and what additional costs you may have that are linked to your disability. This could be anything from travel expenses to costs of non-medical helpers. Have a look at the Student Finance website for more info.

The University has some information that may help.

There’s also a Special Support Grant, which is the same amount as the maintenance grant, but it doesn’t affect your maintenance loan.

If you are a parent: 

For a quick overview of financial support available have a look at the Which? student finance guide, or the student finance calculator.

If you are living with a dependent:

There are loads of ways the university and government can give you a hand financially if you’re supporting a child or another adult. 

If you’re a student with a child, you might be apply to take advantage of a Childcare Grant or a Parent’s Learning Allowance.

It can be a bit tricky working out what you’re entitled to, but pop into LUU Advice in the Union and they’ll be happy to help. You can also go to the Lifelong Learning Centre for some more practical information about everything from childcare to campus facilities for kids. 

If you’re a full-time student with an adult financially depending on you, you might be able to apply for this Adult Dependants’ Grant. 

If you are pregnant: 

If you’re expecting a baby, you’re allowed the same Student Finance as a non-pregnant student, but this changes when the baby is born and you can get a Student Finance package to help you out. Have a look at the Sure Start Maternity Grant for more info.