eSports and Video Game Society AGM 2024-2025
eSports and Video Games
- Nominations Start
28 March 2024 at 00:00 AM
(8 months ago) - Nominations End
16 April 2024 at 23:59 PM
(7 months ago) - Voting Start
17 April 2024 at 00:00 AM
(7 months ago) - Voting End
30 April 2024 at 23:59 PM
(7 months ago)
We're running our anual election to recruit our committee for the 24/25 academic year. We have 6 positions on offer:
Core Positions:
- President: Oversees the society as a whole and ensures other committee members are performing their duties.
- Secretary: Keeps track of society meetings and keeps the admin organised.
- Treasurer: Handles society finances.
Non-Core Positions:
- Welfare Officer: Promotes and upkeeps the welfare of the society and is the first port of call for any complaints within the society.
- Social Secretary: Tasked with organising socials, creating graphics and maintaining our social media presence.
- Equipment Officer: Manages our society equipment, ensuring it's safety and helps to transport and store it.
Note the following when considering applying for a position:
- You must be a student member of the society to nominate yourself.
- You can nominate yourself for at most one core and one non-core position, though you can only hold one.
- All core roles must be filled or the society will disolve.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to message anyone on committee. Best of luck, we look forward to your nominations.
Election Positions
Only active members of eSports and Video Games can vote in this election
Only active members of eSports and Video Games can vote in this election
Only active members of eSports and Video Games can vote in this election
Welfare Officer
Only active members of eSports and Video Games can vote in this election
Social Secretary
Only active members of eSports and Video Games can vote in this election
Equipment Officer
Only active members of eSports and Video Games can vote in this election