This article is currently being updated and some advice might be out of date. Contact if you have any questions.

How do I change my course?

If you’re not happy with your course or any of your modules, just speak to your personal tutor, or anyone else in your School you feel comfortable with, before making a decision. 

If you want to change to another course at the University of Leeds, then take a look at the info here and our related articles. 

If you have to wait to transfer, you might need to take temporary leave until you can start your new course, depending on what point of the year you have asked to transfer. Temporary leavers don’t usually get any student funding, council tax exemption or welfare benefits. 

If you’re thinking of leaving the University for good, then have a read of this info on Permanent Withdrawal. If you withdraw from University, you’ll no longer be classed as a student. This means you won’t be entitled to any student funding and if you live in the UK you will lose your council tax exemption.