I’m a Postgrad who teaches, can LUU Advice help me a with a problem or a question?

Yes, we can help if you feel that:

  • You have not had fair access to teaching or demonstrating roles.
  • Your role has been unfairly terminated and you want to appeal.
  • You’re having problems with your study because of the work you’re expected to do.
  • You feel that you have been treated badly in your school.
  • We would also always suggest joining a workplace trade union for employment problems.

If you are having a problem with pay:

  • You’ll be paid monthly in arrears and only for the work you have done. However, if a session is cancelled with less than 24 hours notice you’ll be paid for your preparation time.
  • You should be paid for your training, preparation, delivery and marking time. This may vary from School to School so seek help if you think you are not being paid for the work you are doing. 
  • If you’re struggling to carry out your responsibilities you should talk to your School as soon as possible. You should give at least 24 hours notice, except in emergencies such as sickness.

If you are having a problem with your teaching role: 

If you’re having any problems with your teaching role, big or small, we can help. Here are some examples of the things we can support you with:

  • Your role has ended without good reasons and you’re wanting to appeal the decision.
  • You’re having problems with your studies because of the work you’re expected to do. 
  • You feel that you have been treated badly in your School.

Your role can end without notice if:

  • Your supervisor thinks your role is impacting your studies.
  • Your role has meant that you’ve missed teaching hours without notice or permission. 
  • Your teaching performance is seen as being unsatisfactory. 
  • You are no longer registered as a PGR at Leeds or there’s no longer a need for your teaching role. 
  • If your teaching role stops, you’ll be told the reasons for this in writing and can appeal the decision using this procedure. 

If you have any problems, get in touch with us at LUU Advice.