Group Memberships

Standard Membership

Non-playing membership for students who want to be part of our society but not play for any of our teams. 


  • Club activities and events.
  • Club items and merchandise.
  • Run for a position on the Committee.

Expires on 31 August 2024

Membership Cost: £0.00

Development Membership

Playing membership for students who want to be part of our society & play organised basketball or haven't been selected for one of the 3 BUCS teams and want to earn a place.


  • Club activities and events.
  • Club items and merchandise.
  • Run for a position on the Committee.
  • Coached training sessions every Wednesday

Expires on 31 August 2024

Membership Cost: £40.00

BUCS Membership

Competitive membership for students who want to be part of our society & play basketball who have been selected for one of the 3 BUCS teams.


  • Club activities and events.
  • Club items and merchandise.
  • Run for a position on the Committee.
  • Coached training sessions every Monday & Friday
  • Play BUCS league games, Cup games, Alumni game and Varsity game (1s & 2s)

Expires on 31 August 2024

Membership Cost: £80.00