Students for Global Health Leeds
Political & Campaigning
Welcome to Students for Global Health Leeds
Students for Global Health Leeds is a local university branch that affiliates with a national Students for Global Health network, formerly known as Medsin - a registered charity tackling global and local health inequalities through education, advocacy and community action.
As a national network we have a vision of “a fair and just world in which equity in health is a reality for all”. We believe that the students of today are critical to bringing about an equitable and healthy world of tomorrow – whatever course you do!
What we do
Our mission of education, advocacy and community action governs everything we do as Students for Global Health. We arrange a wide variety of events such as guest speakers, film nights and discussion evenings, as well as running and supporting campaigns (see below).
Previous speakers have included representatives from large organisations like Transparency International, Population Matters and MSF.
Past events include talks and workshops such as: Bevan Healthcare for the Homeless; Stop AIDS Speaker Tour; Orphan Drugs; Gender, Sexuality and Global Health; FGM; Refugee and Asylum Seeker Health.
Not forgetting, the Ebola Conference for which we won Best New Collaboration at the Riley Awards.
If those sound right up your street then come to our events and get involved, we’re always keen to meet interested people and raise awareness of global health issues! The events we host vary from week to week, plus there’s always something interesting going on as we run campaigns year round.
Why join us?
Want to join a political and campaigning society but not sure which one to go for? Global Health encompasses a wide range of issues that we learn and campaign on together. Health is affected by things that may seem quite obvious such as access to healthcare, sanitation or lifestyle but had you thought about how health is affected by issues such as climate change, socioeconomic status, access to education, gender or sexual orientation? These are just some of the areas we explore as a society aiming to reduce health inequity across the globe.
Our events are a great way to meet like-minded people from a variety of courses, and get involved in our projects and campaigns for better global health for all. It is also a great opportunity to network, build up contacts and make a difference to world health.
Being part of a national network of students and part of the IFMSA means there is also countless opportunities to attend national and international conferences and meetings. There are also accredited training opportunities for those who want to get more involved which gives you skills to make our branch stronger but also train others nationally and internationally.
We are a society for everyone and anyone interested in global health issues. We are keen to welcome students from across the university and bring together our experiences and share ideas. All you need is a willingness to learn more and get involved!
Global health short course
For the past few years, we’ve held a Global Health Short Course (GHSC) here at Leeds, recognised by the internationally renowned Dr Jennifer Parr. Over 100 people completed the course and learnt a little about global health on the way.
This year we are continuing this and we will be running a series of exciting talks and workshops during semester 2.
Not only is this a great opportunity to learn more about wider health issues, but it is a great asset to your CV. Particularly those interested in intercalating in International Health or working abroad. On finishing the course you will received a certificate of completion.
This course is open to students from ALL COURSES, although society members can complete it for free (otherwise £1 per event). Those studying politics, international relations or development, medicine, healthcare, economics etc will find this very relevant – we hope to see you there!
Where we come from
‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful people, committed people can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.’ Margaret Mead (1901-1978)
Students for Global Health was born out of this belief, and a recognition that students are in a unique position to serve their local and international community through global health projects.
What will the future hold for our student movement for global health? We now have at our disposal an impressive network of thousands, tackling global and local health inequalities from the grassroots level right up to the global determinants of health and healthcare, and our force for change will only continue to grow stronger.
How do I get involved?
You’re right, it does! The easiest way to contact us is via e-mail at StudentsforGlobalHealth@luu.group and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Or follow us on instagram and join our discussion group.
If you come along to an open meeting we often give out roles to members and there are opportunities to become part of the sub-committee without applying and going through an AGM.
For a £2 joining fee members will get free access to speaker events, workshops and film nights etc and large discounts on socials – you will also be able to complete the recognised Global Health Short Course for free. Non-members are always welcome at events but we ask for an entry fee.
Contact us at StudentsforGlobalHealth@luu.group