Global Café

Group Leeds & You Programme
Venue LUU
Starts Tue 17 Sep 5:30PM
End Tue 17 Sep 7:30PM

Global Café is for everyone from everywhere! A weekly opportunity for students and postgraduate researchers to meet new people, relax with friends, have great conversations, and enjoy free refreshments. Global Café hosts are there to welcome newcomers and help everyone have a lovely Monday evening.  

No need to book, just come along to LUU Common Ground on the day. 

More Events


Group Cricket (w)

Venue The Edge, Sports Hall 1A

Starts Fri 4 Oct 6:00PM

End Fri 4 Oct 8:00PM


Group Sci Fi and Fantasy

Venue Leeds University Union Building

Starts Sat 5 Oct 2:00PM

End Sat 5 Oct 9:00PM


Group eSports and Video Games

Venue Maurice Keyworth G.31

Starts Wed 2 Oct 6:00PM

End Wed 2 Oct 8:00PM