I can't attend my exam, what should I do?

If you experience problems before the exam

See our related articles about exam preparation and nerves, and applying for mitigating circumstances.

On the day of the exam

If you’re too ill to take the exam or your illness is highly contagious (if your exam is in-person), contact your GP for advice and request a medical certificate stating you were unfit to attend and submit this to your Parent School as evidence of mitigating circumstances. You can find out more on the University’s Exam Preparations page.

You can also apply for mitigating circumstances for other problems such as a family emergency, an accident, or other unexpected serious problems. Our related articles have further help on this.

During the exam

If you begin to experience problems during the exam, alert the exam invigilator.

You’ll then need to apply for mitigating circumstances as soon after the exam as possible. Invigilator’s reports get sent to the Teaching School as part of the examination process, so you should contact your School to request this document for evidence in your mitigating circumstances application.