I'm worried about exams

Preparation and Nerves

There are loads of tips out there to help you prepare for exams and cope with exam stress. Some of ours are below. For even more, go to the Skills@Library page on exams and revision.

  • Make a clear revision plan before you start and try to stick to it. If you’re prepared you’ll feel much calmer when exam time comes around.
  • Take lots of breaks, get plenty of sleep, do some exercise, reduce your caffeine intake at night time and eat plenty of healthy food. All these things will keep your energy levels and concentration in check.
  • When you get into the exam try not to panic. Take a couple of minutes to calm down, read the questions a few times and then set time aside for each. Making quick notes on the questions before you start might help jog your memory and reassure you. If you’re struggling on a certain question, leave it and come back to it later.
  • Once you’ve left the exam try not to think about it anymore - it’s done. Analysing answers with your friends and worrying about how you did will only increase stress and may affect how well you do in other exams.
  • And just remember, doing badly in an exam is not ideal but it’s important to not put too much pressure on yourself. Stressing will only use up more energy meaning you might not be able to work as well.
  • LUU put on lots of wellbeing events during the exam period to help you take time for yourself and not get overwhelmed. Have a look at what events are happening here.
  • As a University of Leeds student you also have access to Togetherall, which can provide you with health and wellbeing support during times of stress.

If you experience problems before the exam

If exam stress is getting too much for you and you feel like you can't cope, talk to somebody about it. The University’s Counselling and Wellbeing service offers a wellbeing drop-in service, individual counselling, and a range of webinars, groups and workshops on topics such as managing anxiety and tackling procrastination. Getting on top of these obstacles can allow you to focus your energy on the exam itself. You could also speak to your GP if you’re struggling.

If things in your personal life are affecting your exams you should apply for mitigating circumstances. Read our related articles here.

LUU Advice are also here for you if you'd like support.