Cheating - Initial Investigation

Cheating - The Initial Investigation

If the invigilator believes you are breaking any of the rules of the examination they will ask you to stop and speak to you. They will ask you to hand over any items related to the incident, such as paper, notes, or devices.

You will then be allowed to complete the exam. You will not get any extra time for the time you have been stopped.

After the exam you will be asked to remain. You will be asked to provide a statement and meet with the examinations manager. They may ask you to do this on the day, or give you a form to complete and ask you to attend a meeting later.

In your response, be honest. Explain what you have done and what you feel you have not done, and your reasons or explanation for breaking any rule. For example, did you forget the paper was on your person, did you mishear the examiner when the asked the exam to stop. If you have any mitigating circumstances, explain these now.

Following this, a decision will be made whether cheating has occurred and if so the case will be referred to the University. You will receive a letter with the allegation and a request for a further statement and the case will go to the Committee on Applications