What is Cheating

What is cheating

Cheating is when a student breaks any of the rules of examinations

This could include

  • Bringing prohibited items into the exam, such as notes, any other written material, blank paper, electronic devices
  • Not following the rules regarding phones (which normally must be switched off, in the provided plastic bag on the desk)
  • Copying from other students
  • Copying from any other material (which can include accessing prewritten, leaked answers in an online exam)
  • Communicating with another candidate (from the moment you enter the exam room)
  • Disobeying the rules for calculators (using when not permitted, using an unauthorised device, saving data in a device)
  • Not following the instructions of the invigilator or breaking exam rules (refusing to remove headwear - except for genuine religious reasons, starting early or continuing when asked to stop writing)
  • Removing the exam questions or script books from the room after the exam.

Cheating is regarded as an absolute offence and almost all cases result in exclusion with no award. Simply having notes or a prohibited device is enough regardless of whether you use them.