Submitting your appeal
LUU Advice has experienced staff who can help you with your case. If you’re thinking about making an appeal then come and speak to us as soon as possible so we can help. We can help you with all stages of the process, but can have the highest impact if you speak to us before you submit your appeal.
We can help you with:
- Deciding if appealing is the best thing to do/if you have sufficient grounds
- Advising on what type of supporting evidence would be useful
- Letting you know how the whole process works
- Advising you on any response you are asked for (e.g. Final Comments)
- How to fill out the form and structure your statement
- Preparing you for (and potentially supporting you at) the Committee on Applications hearing, if applicable
- Advising you on your options if your appeal isn’t successful
If you want to start the process before you speak to us the appeals form can be found here.
If you need more information about how it all works, you can also contact Student Cases at They can give you information on the procedure but can’t help with the content of your appeal.
Your School cannot advise directly on your appeal.
For a step by step guide on how to complete the appeals form, please see our video here.
If you find this process causes you anxiety then come for a chat with LUU Advice or check out Togetherall, an online health and wellbeing service.
Have a look at our related articles for more information.
What is the deadline to submit my academic appeal?
For academic appeals you have 20 working days following the publication of your result/decision to submit your appeal. Working days don’t include weekends, bank holidays or other days when the University is closed. You can find the University’s closed dates here.
For other types of appeals the deadline can vary, please see our related articles for more information.
Can you help me write my appeal?
We cannot write it for you but if you need help with the content of your appeal you can email us a draft at
We aim to provide feedback on as many appeals as possible, but we can’t do so at short notice, so if we do not give you feedback by your appeal deadline it is important that you still submit it on time. This is because Student Cases only accept late appeals in exceptional circumstances, and they do not usually allow waiting for our feedback as a good reason for late submission.
Can I submit an appeal and still graduate?
If you are due to graduate this academic year, making an appeal will delay your graduation date, meaning you will not graduate at the usual time. If this is the case you will also need to contact the Graduation Office ( and let them know that you will not be attending your graduation ceremony due to your appeal.
Appeals submitted before your graduation will be withdrawn if you attend/your award is conferred.