What is Committee on Applications and can you help me if I have been called to one?

The Committee on Applications is made up of around 5-12 senior academics. No staff member that has a conflict of interest or is from your department will be on the committee. 

They investigate cases of cheating, malpractice, plagiarism and fraudulent or fabricated coursework and reach the final verdict on these cases. 

If you are called to a committee meeting, you can bring someone with you for support, including someone from LUU Advice. 

At the start of the meeting you will need to give either an oral or read a written statement, if your statement is pre-written you will need to bring up to 15 copies for the Committee. The Committee will then ask you questions to help them understand the case or clarify any details. 

LUU Advice are happy to be your supporter and help you prepare your statement and talk through any questions that may be asked, although we are not usually able to speak on your behalf. 

They will then come to a final decision and let you know within seven working days whether you are guilty or not of the offence, and what the penalty will be if found guilty. 

For academic misconduct cases:

If found guilty, the Committee will consider how deliberate the act was and whether you were purposely trying to gain credit from doing it. The Committee doesn’t need to follow a penalty recommendation given by your department but they can consider it. 

For appeal cases:

Your case will either be upheld and a solution will be offered or not.