Cricket (m)
Welcome to Cricket (m)
UoLMCC will quickly become the cornerstone of your time at Leeds. During winter we train weekly at an indoor facility, compete in an indoor league at Headingley Indoor Centre and have a football team that play in the university social league. In the summer, UoLMCC have three competitive BUCS teams, with the first team making the finals in 21/22 and 22/23! We also provide an abundance of fixtures for those not playing in our three BUCS teams. Whether you are an experienced player or a beginner, there is a place for you in UoLMCC.
Performance Squad have access to two net sessions a week at Headingley, as well as two fitness sessions. Additionally, our main and development squads net weekly at Headingley and the Edge respectively.
We enjoy an extensive social calendar throughout the year, consisting of weekly socials, several themed events, and a tour away at Easter. These are not only open to playing members, but to development and social members as well.
Contact us at uni.of.leeds.cricket@gmail.com