Charleston Week 3 01.05.25
This is Week 3 of a 3-week course of Charleston.
The 3-week Course is as follows (subject to change!):
Week 1 (6th March) - beginners side-by-side Charleston, kick throughs
Week 2 (13th March) - recap of side-by-side, hand-to-hand, airplane
Week 3 (1st May) - Jig kicks, kick downs, mixing Charleston with Lindyhop
DISCLAIMER: If you have not attended the first two classes, you are still welcome to join this class although it will be assumed in this class that you have done basic side-by-side Charleston at least once.
FREE for members and £3 per class for non-members.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to find out what's coming up: https://www.instagram.com/luuswingsoc?igsh=MWsyZHJpZnVuamZrdQ==
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