
Karate Committee 2024/2025

Nominations Start
18 March 2024 at 12:00 PM
(5 months ago)
Nominations End
1 April 2024 at 12:00 PM
(5 months ago)
Voting Start
8 April 2024 at 17:00 PM
(4 months ago)
Voting End
22 April 2024 at 12:00 PM
(4 months ago)
Elected positions
Only active members of Karate can vote in this election


The president is the head of the committee and oversees the coordination and delegation of tasks undertaken by other committee members. The president calls meetings, determines agendas for them and chairs them, leading the discussion and collating ideas and information. They are responsible for being aware of everything going on in the society, and what needs to be prioritised at any given time. The president usually has final say in major society decisions, and does a lot of the liaison with the coaching team when it comes to training or competitions.

While there is a lot of responsibility in the president's role, it is a great opportunity to bring the other committee members together and create a supportive, fun culture in the club.

Position Candidates

Will Walker

View Candidate Statement

RON (Re-open Nominations)

View Candidate Statement