Repaying Student Finance

Tuition Fees, Maintenance Loans and Postgraduate loans are to be payed back. Extra funding such as grants and bursaries don't need to be paid back.

Once you leave your course, you will only start repaying once your income is above the repayment threshold. How much your repayment threshold is depends on which repayment plan you're on- if you're not sure which plan you're on you can find out by logging into your student loan account. If your income changes and goes below the threshold, you can stop making payments until your income increases.

If you leave your course early you will still be required to repay your loan.

Any outstanding loan balance will be cancelled after a certain period of time, depending on which repayment plan you’re on– even if you haven't repaid any of it.

Interest is charged from the day the Student Loans Company makes your first payment to you or the university, until your loan is repaid in full or cancelled.

Information from May 2024