Welcome to Physics
Physoc is back, bigger and better than ever before, with all of the deals, sports, socials and trips you loved from last year plus SO much more.
Our Mission: To facilitate the ‘work hard, play harder’ ethic of the everyday Physics student.
First of all, a huge welcome to our freshers and welcome back to everyone else! We can’t wait to let loose all the Physoc-y goodness we have planned for you this year!
As always, our membership is only £10 for the whole year and comes with a whole range of benefits!
Physoc holds social events on a regular basis for all its members through the academic year. These include a wide range of our regular events; themed pub crawls, bowling, trampolining, nights out at our favourite watering holes and we are open to suggestions. We also organise highly successful guest lectures, so keep an eye out for those. We aim to cater for everyone when it comes to events and believe we have something for all of our members.
Along with our regular excursions, we have large one-off events throughout the year such as the Physoc trip to Amsterdam or the Physoc trip to Geneva, and our annual black-tie event, the Physoc Ball.
We can’t wait to let you know about all the Physoc-y goodness we have planned for you this year! So, here’s a sneak peek at what’s in-store:
• Yet again great deals with Revs, giving you a place to waste away the hours with super cheap food and drink – inc. 241 cocktails, £2 pints and 40% off food!
• We’ve got some great sponsorship lined up this year to give you the best socials and benefits yet!
• Discounted tickets to some of the most popular student events!
• The continuation of Physoc sports teams!
• We might also see the return of our annual trips, the physoc ball and much, much more in semester two
Follow us on social media to keep up to date with what we have in store for you:
Instagram- @PhysocLuu
Facebook- PhysocLuu
Tiktok- @Phystoc
LinkedIn- University of Leeds Physics society Physoc
Website- https://www.luu.org.uk/clubs-and-societies/browse-clubs-and-societies/physics/