Welcome to Spoken Word

Sharing Ideas. Encouraging Inclusion. Advocating Community.

Spoken Word Society is here for all of you poets, rappers, singers and writers, searching for a space to share your scribbles on stage!

What we’re all about!

LUU Spoken Word Society provides a creative platform, all about giving people the opportunity to express themselves through words. There is no limit on what can be performed, from poetry about yourself, to a song that you just wanna show off to a few people, or a story you’re keen on telling, maybe even a rap you’d want to release, ANYTHING GOES. Spoken word encompasses a broad range of styles, formats and languages, the possibilities are limitless and all are welcome! It’s important your voices are heard! Listeners also more than welcome too!

Spoken word is whatever you want it to be so come along and make it your own! Whether you’re a pro or someone who’s just beginning, we create a supportive and safe environment for everyone to feel welcomed. So if you love soaking up great sounds but you aren’t the performing type, don’t worry – we won’t put you on the spot! It’s the clappers and clickers as much as the rappers and rhymers who give our nights their buzz!

Free Membership

This year we’ve made our membership free, propagating our core values of diversity and inclusion by encouraging accessibility to our events for people from a myriad of backgrounds!


We run regular events, including open mics, workshops and socials, Find more on our Instagram!

How To Find Us

Follow us on Instagram – @luspokenword

We have a WhatsApp group for members! Drop us a message and we’ll send you the join link!

Contact us at leedsspokenword@gmail.com