Green Action
Political & Campaigning
Welcome to Green Action
Green Action is a society that takes practical action on environmental, social, and political issues.
We encourage all of our members to put their ideas into action and to take back control collectively of all aspects of our lives – food, jobs, housing and leisure. We run the Green Action Food Co-op, a practical example of a difference we can made to the way many people on campus buy food.
Contact us at greenactionleeds@gmail.com or message us on Instagram @luugreenaction
What We Do
We run the Green Action Food Co-op in the University Union which runs like a refill store and we sell food and goods for the same price that we buy them.
Our food co-op is not for profit; we buy wholesale and sell it at the same price to cover these costs.
The food co-op is located on the lower level of the LUU union building next to Waki Maki.
We have two allotment plots in Woodhouse Moor (Hyde Park) where we hold weekly allotment sessions on Sundays. We grow fruit, veg… and just hang out there for socials as well.
We sometimes hold fundraising events and collaborations with other societies. Our aim is to spread awareness, help people to live sustainably, and to act against systems which damage the planet and peoples’ lives.
Lots of love.