Sub Aqua (Scuba Diving)
Welcome to Sub Aqua (Scuba Diving)
We're LUUSAC (The Leeds University Union Sub Aqua Club).
We’re an award winning branch of the British Sub Aqua Club (BSAC) who have benefited from grants from the Footsteps Fund and the National Lottery: Sports England fund in recent years. We’re still going after being established in 1962 so needless to say we are crazy about all things under water! For more information on training please visit our website or email info@luusac.uk with any queries.
We’re one of the largest, cheapest and most active diving clubs in the UK. Every year we open up a limited number of spaces so that people with no diving qualifications can become SCUBA divers! If you’re a qualified diver from another organisations (e.g. PADI) then we would love to have you too!
Practical pool sessions take place on Wednesday evenings in the Edge swimming pool at 8-10pm. Theory sessions take place on Thursday evenings in the the union building 7-8pm, then on to the pub after! There is also an open water training weekend for new diver trainees in late November/early December.
While LUUSAC is primarily a diving society we also have a rich social aspect to the club. As well as holding our weekly pub sessions on Thursdays at the Pack Horse pub, we also hold a number of socials throughout the year including our legendary Christmas Meals and Summer Balls!
You can purchase membership by clicking the ‘memberships’ button at the top. Please note that membership doesn't entitle you to training - training packages are sold separately. You will not be able to dive without proper training.
Contact us at info@luusac.uk