Welcome to A Cappella

Music without instruments. Whole scores performed just by the human voice.

A Cappella singing has never been more alive and the University of Leeds' A Cappella Group, The Songsmiths, holds open auditions for anyone who can hold a tune and wants to be a part of this extraordinary musical style. The Songsmiths perform regularly in and around Leeds and compete nationally in the ICCAs every year. They have been performing at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival since 2019 and have gone on to sell out their shows in 2023 & 2024.


The Songsmiths frequently perform around the University, all over Leeds and across the country at national and international competitions. We have also performed sell-out runs at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, which we are very keen to continue to do.

2018 saw the first SNAC (Showcase of Northern A Cappella), which is now an annual event held at the University of Leeds. This is where A Cappella groups from universities across the North are invited to perform alongside The Songsmiths to create one huge night of all things A Cappella!

We have musical directors who lead us, arrange our music, and help us be the best we can be. We also love it when other members of our group contribute their ideas too!


In the past we have performed at various balls and dinners, Union events, TED Talks, the Riley Smith and JCR Awards, the lippy magazine launch, charity events across Leeds, as well as performing at occasional parties and weddings. As a society we are active within the UK A Cappella community, regularly competing in and attending events across the country. The Songsmiths have progressed to the UK Finals of the International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella (ICCAs) 4 times and in 2019 placed 3rd in the UK! The group released their debut single ‘Good Life’ in the Summer of 2023, and recently released their award winning 2024 ICCA competition set ‘Chiarascuro’ on Apple Music & Spotify. The group have expressed that releasing music is something they are very excited to continue to do.

Getting involved:

We run auditions at the start of each academic year and we’ll be holding fun and free GIAGs ('Give it a Go's') throughout the year for you to see what being in an A Cappella group is really like!

Keep an eye on our social media for upcoming gigs and events – we can’t wait to see you there!

Keep in touch:

Leeds A Cappella Society is changing this year and we want you on this ride with us! 

The best way to find out more is to check us out on social media:



Contact us at luu.acappella@gmail.com