Leeds United Nations
General Interest
Welcome to Leeds United Nations
We run weekly events which let you discover and debate diverse international issues.
In our Model UN sessions you discuss a topic from a specific country's point of view, which might have nothing to do with your own! These debates are very accessible, with no preparation required and plenty of training available. Beginners are encouraged!
We also attend lots of MUN conferences throughout the year and subsidise costs so they're open to everyone. We have previously attended ULMUN, ManMUN, LIMUN and ScotMUN.
And finally, we love our socials as much as you do. In addition to friendly get togethers during the term, we invite all our members to special, non-MUN events at the start and end of each semester.
LUNS events run each Tuesday Evening from 6-7:30pm during term time.
Contact us at luuunitednations1@luu.group or message us on instagram: @leedsmun