Law Community Hub


Welcome to Law Community Hub

We are a society run by students from the School of Law which focuses on improving equality and inclusion within the School. We support underrepresented students by putting on inclusive social, student networking, and cultural events within the School of Law, as well as providing support to any student within the School who is experiencing difficulties arising from their underrepresented characteristics. 

What counts as 'underrepresented'?

Well, there's no exhaustive list. Maybe you're an international student, a care giver, a mature student, a commuting student, a student with experience in the care system, the first in your family to attend university, you identify as coming from a lower socio-economic background, or a postgraduate. Maybe you feel underrepresented due to your gender identity, your cultural or ethnic background, your sexual orientation, your disability or neurodivergence, your religion, and so on. If you feel underrepresented because of who you are, we're here for you.