Google Student Developer Club

  • Submitted on Sep 19, 2023
  • No updates
  • Current state is

Formation Description

Starting the Google Student Developer Club Leeds is driven by a profound passion for technology and a strong belief in its transformative power. Here are the key motivations behind initiating this society: Building a Tech Community: Technology is a dynamic and ever-evolving field that thrives on collaboration and innovation. By establishing this society, I aim to create a close-knit community of tech enthusiasts who can share their knowledge, experiences, and ideas. Together, we can explore emerging technologies, learn from each other, and inspire one another to push the boundaries of what's possible. Promoting Diversity and Inclusion: Diversity is a powerful catalyst for creativity and innovation. I am committed to fostering an environment where individuals from diverse backgrounds, abilities, and experiences feel welcome and valued. Our club will serve as a platform for people with varying perspectives to come together, collaborate, and learn from one another, ultimately enriching our collective understanding of technology. Empowering Those with Disadvantages: I believe that talent knows no boundaries, and everyone should have the opportunity to showcase their abilities on a global stage. Through this society, I aspire to provide a platform for individuals facing disadvantages, be it economic, geographical, or other challenges, to demonstrate their skills and talents. By connecting them with resources, mentorship, and a supportive community, we can help level the playing field and enable them to thrive in the tech industry. In essence, the Google Student Developer Club Leeds is not just about technology; it's about people. It's about nurturing a community that celebrates diversity, fosters innovation, and extends a helping hand to those who need it. Together, we can harness the incredible potential of technology to make a positive impact, both locally and globally, and pave the way for a brighter and more inclusive future.

Formation Updates

  • Majority Agree

    This formation reached quorum and had more students agree than disagree to it.

    Agree: 19
    Disagree: 0
  • This formation has passed

  • Formation moved to a Student Vote

    This formation needs a majority vote and a quorum of at least 10 student voters by 14:10 5th Nov 2023 to pass.
  • Formation in review

  • Formation created