Leeds Dental Aesthetics Society

  • Submitted on Oct 28, 2022
  • No updates
  • Current state is

Formation Description

Dentistry at the Leeds Dental Institute places a focus on restorative dentistry - i.e. restoring people back to health. As a result of this, after graduation, people are often unprepared for the challenges that are within the field of cosmetic dentistry. Our society aims to bridge the gap and help students gain knowledge and skills about aesthetic dentistry so that they can transfer this to their daily practice, within university and beyond.

Not only do we provide skills, but the society will also introduce the many different pathways that students can take after graduation to build a career that is right for them, within cosmetic dentistry.

Formation Updates

  • Majority Agree

    This formation reached quorum and had more students agree than disagree to it.

    Agree: 49
    Disagree: 0
  • This formation has passed

  • Formation moved to a Student Vote

    This formation needs a majority vote and a quorum of at least 10 student voters by 15:56 6th Nov 2022 to pass.
  • Formation in review

  • Formation created