Pensa Leeds

  • Submitted on Feb 20, 2023
  • No updates
  • Current state is

Formation Description

For Christian’s and as a Christian fellowship is very important and  it’s a key to your journey in Christ, and normally when people are back at home they go to Church or have their families with them to fellowship with : but once people come to uni most at times they loose the chance to fellowship or finds people with the same faith and have meetings, discussions and activities with people who have the same faith as you. So pensa will be a place of meeting people from all over the UK and the world who have the same believes as you and it will be a place to make friends, learn , laugh ,eat and pray. Pensa will be a safe space where everyone is welcome ,it will be a place to meet other university student who might have the same questions or understanding about God. 

Formation Updates

  • Majority Agree

    This formation reached quorum and had more students agree than disagree to it.

    Agree: 15
    Disagree: 0
  • This formation has passed

  • Formation moved to a Student Vote

    This formation needs a majority vote and a quorum of at least 10 student voters by 08:33 16th May 2023 to pass.
  • Formation in review

  • Formation moved to a Student Vote

    This formation needs a majority vote and a quorum of at least 10 student voters by 14:10 14th May 2023 to pass.
  • Formation in review

  • Formation moved to a Student Vote

    This formation needs a majority vote and a quorum of at least 10 student voters by 09:30 9th May 2023 to pass.
  • Formation in review

  • Formation created