Caledonian Society

  • Submitted on Feb 8, 2023
  • No updates
  • Current state is

Formation Description

The Caledonian Society aims to provide students an opportunity to interact with new people from across the university, making new friends whilst learning traditional Scottish dancing. Our aim is to provide two balls, one in the lead up to the Christmas break, and one in the summer. We will also provide practice sessions prior to each ball to make sure everyone attending feels comfortable with the dances. These sessions are a vital part of the society as they ensure that it is accessible to everyone including beginners. We aim to create an ongoing society within the Uni of Leeds community that will be seen as an inclusive and fun society, and a great way to make new friends! 

Formation Updates

  • Majority Agree

    This formation reached quorum and had more students agree than disagree to it.

    Agree: 27
    Disagree: 0
  • This formation has passed

  • Formation moved to a Student Vote

    This formation needs a majority vote and a quorum of at least 10 student voters by 08:51 17th May 2023 to pass.
  • Formation in review

  • Formation moved to a Student Vote

    This formation needs a majority vote and a quorum of at least 10 student voters by 07:43 17th May 2023 to pass.
  • Formation in review

  • Formation created