Leeds Society of Change Ringers GIAG (Bell Ringing)

Group Change Ringers
Venue St Matthias' Church, Burley, LS4 2EL
Starts Mon 3 Feb 7:30PM
End Mon 3 Feb 9:00PM

This is the Leeds University Society of Change Ringers (LUSCR) give-it-a-go session! Come along, and we'll teach you what ringing is, we'll show you the ropes, and you'll have a go ringing some of the bells yourself!

Ringing is a fun and engaging activity, where you work as a team to ring different tunes, and you're each in control of one bell. It can be challenging, requiring coordination and technique, but is very satisfying when all your practice pays off and the method comes around!

You can either meet us at St Matthias Church (Burley, LS42EL) at 7:30pm. Or, some of us will meet on the steps outside the union, and we'll walk down together from there, leaving at 7:00pm.  Once we finish at 9pm, we’ll head to the Cardigan Arms for a social.

There's no expectations for being religious, musical, or strong. You just need to be prepared to walk up the long spiral staircase, learn a thing or two and join in!

Follow @luscr_leeds on Instagram for more updates!

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