Give-It-A-Go Sim Racing with Motorsport Soc

Group Motorbike Society
Venue Crossroads, LUU Union Square
Starts Fri 18 Oct 6:00PM

Join us on 18th October for an evening of sim racing & other games in the LUU Crossroads gaming space!

From 6pm, this event will be hosted at Crossroads in LUU where we will have:

  • Nintendo Switches for Mario Kart races
  • Time Trials with a racing rig
  • PCs with wheels for multiplayer races

But not just that, Crossroads is also packed with board and card games if you would like to use those as well!

Come along for a chill evening of gaming and meet committee and other Motorbike members, as well as Motorsport Society too!

Tickets are free but must be purchased prior to the event to ensure capacity.

Crossroads is located on Union Square, which is to the right of Common Ground, on -1 of the Union Building.

You don't need to bring any equipment, just show up for some fun!

Please Note: The consumption of alcohol is not permitted in the Crossroads space. Food and drink are permitted, but this must be in sealed containers to avoid spillage.

Event Tickets

  • 1x Crossroads GIAG

    Max 1 tickets per account

    No filters set - anyone can purchase

    £ 0.00

    Tickets for joint GIAG with Motorsport

    18th October

    This ticket is free

    More information on the event page and our socials

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