Social Secretary

LUU Men's Basketball Committee Elections 2024/25

Nominations Start
1 April 2024 at 15:01 PM
(5 months ago)
Nominations End
15 April 2024 at 15:00 PM
(4 months ago)
Voting Start
15 April 2024 at 15:02 PM
(4 months ago)
Voting End
20 April 2024 at 12:00 PM
(4 months ago)
Elected positions
Only active members of Basketball (m) can vote in this election

Social secretary includes but is not exclusive to:

- Responsible for planning and creating weekly social events for the society.

- Create and facilitate exciting socials which encourage the collaboration of Mens Basketball with other societies.

- Responsible for all society members health and wellbeing during any socials.

Position Candidates

RON (Re-open Nominations)

View Candidate Statement

Mert Cakici

View Candidate Statement