Social Media & Marketing

Leeds Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Medicine Society (LRMMS) 1st Annual Election

Nominations Start
1 April 2022 at 01:24 AM
(2 years ago)
Nominations End
30 April 2022 at 23:59 PM
(2 years ago)
Voting Start
2 May 2022 at 00:00 AM
(2 years ago)
Voting End
8 May 2022 at 23:59 PM
(2 years ago)
Elected positions
Only active members of Leeds Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Medicine Society (LRMMS) can vote in this election

- Develop and implement strategies for building social media presence and post content according to schedule and checklists defined by Presidential team

- Prepare marketing materials for events (social media posts, posters for online and offline use)

- Display digital and physical marketing materials that is up-to-date

- Liaise with Year Reps in promoting events

- Work with presidential team and events team

- Be creative in marketing efforts

- Publicise society announcements

- Respond to comments and messages on social media

Position Candidates

RON (Re-open Nominations)

View Candidate Statement