Should the University change external cafes and outlets on campus to be student led and run by LUU?

May 2022 Referendum: UCU Strikes & Student Outlets

Nominations Start
18 April 2022 at 06:00 AM
(2 years ago)
Nominations End
18 April 2022 at 06:02 AM
(2 years ago)
Voting Start
2 May 2022 at 09:00 AM
(2 years ago)
Voting End
5 May 2022 at 23:59 PM
(2 years ago)
Voting System
First Past The Post
Elected positions

What will I be voting on? Should the University change external cafes and outlets on campus to be student led and run by LUU?

You can see this idea being discussed in this recording of the March 2022 Better University Forum.

What is the proposer asking for?

At LUU we want to bring the union to the students, you shouldn't have to trek across campus from your study session in the health sciences library to get your favourite (and cheapest) coffee, or for advice on any issues. 

Currently, on campus the university operates 11 cafes under its own branding, 3 Caffe Neros, 1 Costa Coffee and the Tesco Express on Calverly street. 

Neither Caffe Nero nor Costa Coffee have committed to net zero emissions by 2030 as the University has in their recently published climate plan, so keeping these outlets is in direct conflict with their current sustainability commitments. Caffe Nero has also been under major scrutiny for having not paid corporation tax in the UK since 2007 on approximately £2 billion worth of sales (2018). Corporations like this are not in line with the values of LUU nor the recently developed values of the university, specifically integrity, and only contribute to the privatisation and commercialisation of our institution.

By allowing the union to operate and run these outlets, students would regain autonomy over their campus, as well as creating more student jobs while allowing LUU to provide it's valuable help & support resources throughout the campus, not just within the main building. Currently, there is no room for students to have influence over the services provided to them at the university, but LUU ownership means that they would be subject to all of LUU’s democratically led processes as well as requests made by students. 

It is proposed that LUU would provide both cafe services and help & support resources, where staff would be trained in both, giving them a range of training opportunities. LUU was the first students union to own its own Co-operative franchise, which aligns closely with the work and values of LUU, as well as giving the union and students full ownership of the outlet. The change from the Tesco currently on Calverly street to a Co-op would provide the same opportunities as the café outlets. 

LUU as a charity, and therefore a not for profit organisation, puts all of it’s income back into providing the best possible student experience. By allowing LUU to take over these outlets, the university would allow for the development of what LUU can provide for students. 

Reference: See here

(All staff working currently in these outlets would be redistributed throughout the university). 

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