Fire, Carbon Monoxide, Gas and Electrical Safety

Gas safety is very important. If there are problems with your gase, or electrics you should get these checked to avoid the risk of fire or explosion. Don't leave anything to chance.

What do I do if I can smell gas?

If you can smell gas, leave the house and immediately call the National Gas Emergency Service 24 hours a day on 0800 111 999 and then let your landlord know.

Don’t turn on any light switches or use any plug sockets.  Try to air the room out by opening a window and if you gas meter supply is outside the house you can turn this off, but never do this if it means staying in the house longer and especially going into a basement. Gas is heavier than air and could be settled in the basement rooms.

What do I do if my Carbon Monoxide Alarm Sounds?

Carbon Monoxide can be caused by faulty gas appliances. Carbon monoxide can cause serious illness or death.  You cannot see, smell or taste carbon monoxide.

Here are some symptoms:

  • tension type headaches
  • dizziness
  • nausea (feeling sick) and vomiting
  • tiredness and confusion
  • stomach pain
  • shortness of breath and difficulty breathing
  • flu-like symptoms without a high temperature or fever
  • food-poisoning type symptoms

If you recognise any of these symptoms, stop using your gas appliances and see your GP. Let your landlord know of your concerns.

If your carbon monoxide alarm goes off, leave the house and immediately call the National Gas Emergency Service 24 hours a day on 0800 111 999. and then let your landlord know.

What do I do if I am concerned about electrics?

Faulty electrics can give you an electric shock, causing injury or death and can also cause fire. 

Here’s a few possible warning signs of electrical or wiring problems:

  • Broken plug sockets
  • Plugs that get hot when they are used
  • Sparks from electrical appliances/sockets
  • Fuses which continually trip
  • Loose switches
  • Exposed wiring

If you identify any of them, get in touch with your landlord in writing and ask that repairs or checks are carried out. 

What can I do if my electrics go off?

Firstly, check if there is a power cut. You can look at and check if neighbours lights and/or the street lights have gone out.

If there is a power cut it is best to turn off appliances (otherwise this can trip your electrics when they all come back on) but leave one light on so you can tell when the power comes back on.  If you do not open 'fridges or freezers they will stay cold for up to 24 hours. 

Use a torch if you need to, but do not use candles or other naked flames as this is a fire risk.

If there is no power cut, you can check if a circuit has tripped on the breaker. This may be caused by a faulty appliance.  Often a main switch will have tripped along with one circuit switch.  If this is the case you can turn on the main switch, leaving the circuit off and get someone to come at look at the circuit that has tripped. 

What must my landlord do?

Landlords must arrange for the gas to be checked annually, and the electrics to be checked every 5 years. 

They must also fix any problems.

If you are not happy with their response contact Environmental Health and ask for them to do an inspection, giving them a brief description of the disrepair. They will then arrange a date and time to visit. The service is free of charge.