How many times can I resit my assessment?

If you started your course before the 2016/17 academic year you can have a maximum of three tries to pass an assessment: the first try, a second one (in August after summer exams), and then an exceptional final time as an external student the next academic year.

If you started your course in the 2016/17 academic year or afterwards you’ll usually only get two attempts: the first try and one resit. You can only resit assessments where you have failed the module.

For some non-modular courses, like Medicine, you can only do a full year resit even if you only failed one assessment. If you’re on a course like this you should double-check the information provided by your School.

If you resit, you can’t get a higher mark than an ordinary pass (40 for undergraduates or 50 for taught postgraduates). If you have mitigating circumstances approved, you may be offered a first attempt resit - this is an uncapped resit meaning you would have access to the full range of marks.

The number of resits you’re allowed may vary depending on individual situations, so check with your School if you’re unsure.