Student Funding

Taking temporary or permanent leave will affect the amount of living costs funding you'll receive. The Student Loans Company will only pay you for the number of days you've attended university that year, although if your suspension is due to illness you will automatically receive additional student finance for up to 60 days beyond the date you suspended study. Whilst there is no automatic access to student loans or grants during a suspension period you may be able to apply to continue your funding while you're away from the University if you can evidence that it will cause financial hardship. You will need to write to the Student Loans Company's Discretionary Payments Team to request a continuation of funding during your period of suspension

The Student Loans Company will generally fund your tuition fees for the length of your course, plus one more year (your "+1 year"). It's important to remember that if you suspend part way through an academic year (even if only after a couple of weeks), the Student Loans Company will count this as your whole +1 year (see previous sections).