More Complex Problems

Get in touch with the Student Advice team at the Union and Student Finance for guidance

You have ran out of funding due to having previously studied

This is normally the length of the course, plus one year, minus any previous years of study. If you have used all your funding you may be able to get further funding if you have compelling personal reasons. You would need to show evidence of why you could not complete the course.

Students cannot normally get funding for a qualification of the same or lower level than they already hold, regardless of how it was funded (even if paid for themselves), with a few exceptions such as Medicine and Dentistry.

Issues with Residence status

Residence is based on the first day of the first year of the course which is 1 September of the relevant year. It is not possible to change residence/fees/funding status part way through with the exception of a couple of cases relating to Refugee Status/Humanitarian Protection.

Parents refusing to provide information

The only real resolution to this is to discuss this carefully with your parents. Parents giving information is confidential (i.e. a student will not see what they earn) and does not tie the parent to giving them any money (though it will reduce the student’s loan). If your parents are continuing to refuse to do this, or refusing to help when your loan is reduced and this is causing hardship then you can contact the advice team and funding

Estrangement from parents

This normally means no substantial contact with parents for over a year. This is hard to define - Occasional contact such as following the death of a family member may not break this. If there is an immediate risk, the one year is not needed. This often requires strong evidence.