LUU Musical Theatre Society Presents: Beauty and The Beast (THURS Eve)
Beauty and the Beast tells the story of Belle, an intelligent young woman who feels out of place in her provincial French village. When her father is imprisoned in a mysterious castle, Belle's attempt to rescue him leads to her capture by the Beast, a fearsome monster, who was long ago trapped in his gruesome form by an enchantress. The only way for the Beast to become human once again is if he learns to love and be loved in return. There is a time limit, though: if the magical rose loses all of its petals before the Beast learns his lesson, then he and all his castle staff will remain cursed forevermore. The enchanted household objects watch anxiously as Belle and the Beast grow to understand one another. As their feelings grow ever deeper for each other, the clock keeps ticking away - will the curse be lifted in time?
£9 General Admission
£7 Student/Concession
£50 Group of 10
Doors: 7:00pm
Show Starts 7:30pm
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