'I see Myself (ISM)' for Black-heritage students - Finding Your Superpowers!
'I see Myself (ISM)' for Black-heritage students.
Workshop - Finding Your Superpowers!
Event Details
Date: Friday 21st February Time: 1pm-3pm. Location: Fairbairn House Suite A Rm 4 and 5 (G.04)
The University's ISM student ambassadors will be there to help facilitate the workshop and ensure you feel welcomed and comfortable. So, no need to worry if you're coming alone—you’ll be in good company! Sign up here.
What to Expect
· Finding your superpowers is an interactive workshop, run by KINSIS, a Black-led organisation committed to enhancing the educational experience and overall well-being of young Black people.
· Engage in various activities to uncover your unique set of superpowers that will help you build confidence, hone your personal brand and hack imposter syndrome.
· Activities include an interactive game, group discussions and reflection exercises, where you’ll identify how your superpowers can manifest in your academics, social life, and career.
· By the end of the session, you will be equipped with tools and strategies to identify your own superpowers and understand how to leverage these strengths to tackle imposter syndrome, and better articulate your personal brand.
Whether you’re an undergraduate or postgraduate student, this event is the perfect space to find your community, learn new skills, develop existing ones, and have fun in the process!
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