Move more, feel good - SNOOZE Workshop
This workshop focuses less on understanding the science of sleep and more so on how you can take action to improve your sleep. Including the positive effects of sleep and relaxation, how sleep restores our brains and bodies and tips and techniques to improve sleep hygiene. You'll also be given a complementary booklet to remind you of everything you've learnt and with extra tips and information included, so you can access this at any time you need in the future.
Please speak to The Edge reception and they will direct you to the location.
If you are no longer able to attend this workshop please email to cancel your ticket and allow the opportunity for others to attend.
Move More, Feel Good aims to introduce and establish positive physical activity and wellbeing behaviour for first year undergraduate students studying at Leeds. Whilst we are particularly keen to engage first year students, students from other years are welcome to join the activities.
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