The Roaches Trip
The trip will be mainly focused on teaching members how to trad climb however there are plenty of boulders to get stuck into as well! We will leave Leeds at 18:00 on Friday 14th of February to drive to the Don Whillans Memorial hut, a hut that is built into the crag itself! When we arrive we will carry all of the gear to the hut, this is just a short approach from the road, and then settle down for a meal cooked by the committee and lots of fun and games. Saturday will be focused on teaching for beginner trad climbers and those who are competent are free to explore the crag! On Saturday evening we will have another meal cooked by the committee. We will spend Sunday climbing before heading back to Leeds for an optional meal at Nazams!
As weather is a key factor in outdoor climbing the plans for each day will depend on conditions. If the weather is too bad to climb, we will either go for a walk or head to Sheffield to climb at one of the many gyms.
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